Our technologies

Leveraging our expertise in detecting and analyzing airborne gases, combined with our commitment to human health, we have developed systems that address urgent life-protection needs. Our portable powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR), called ThermaSafe, is the only one of its kind that’s able to completely destroy pathogens. We also offer a device called SpiraBiopsy, which is used to analyze biomarkers in human breath for the early detection of pathologies. This can help determine which type of cancer is present in the organism even before the first symptoms appear.

Thermasafe Patent pending

Our ThermaSafe respiratory protection equipment is used for people such as those suffering from respiratory disease, workers exposed to environments where contaminants are present, and health professionals who work very closely with patients and need to avoid contagion. ThermaSafe may also be useful in industrial settings, where pathogens and airborne contaminants can circulate.

Light and portable, this device may be used by several people without fear of coronavirus, bacteria or other pathogen contaminations, since it allows for mask changes and is equipped with a washable stainless-steel filter. This means workers from different shifts can share ThermaSafe, for optimal performance.

See how Thermasafe works

SpiraBiopsy Patent pending

Since 2017, our gas analysis researchers and engineers have been looking for ways to leverage their chromatographic expertise in the healthcare field. They’ve combined their knowledge in detecting airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with their expertise in the early detection of pathologies such as cancers, through the analysis of VOCs produced by these diseases in the organism and found in exhaled air. This is how they developed SpiraBiopsy, a device used for early disease detection in human breath.

See how SpiraBiopsy works

Breathe Easier

We offer cutting-edge solutions to protect lives.

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